Se io fossi vento, Sarei con te sempre.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Non Capisco

Last weekend I went out with the Italian nobleman.  I had only know him for about an hour when he asked me if I wanted to go out. He then proceeded to send me NUMEROUS text messages and facebook messages asking me to go out, which needless to say was overwhelming. I should have realized he was a bit over the top but I thought I should go out and explore Milan.  Also I could tell it would have offended Rita if I didn’t go with him.  I had asked him if we would be meeting up with some of his other friends and I told him I would like to meet people. He told me a bunch of friends would be at the bar we would be going to. Well, this turned out not to be true…at all. You know when you have the feeling someone already really like you? Well I had this feeling…and it was so very awkward because the feeling was not mutual. Once we got to the bar, I realized he thought the night was more of a date than anything else. Especially since none of his friends were there, even though he told me we would be meeting up with them. I kept trying to go with flow of things, but it was so weird. Honestly I have never been on such an awkward “date”, especially when I didn’t want a date in the first place! When we first got to the bar he offered to by me a drink. I was thinking, “yes PLEASE… because I am about ready to run out of this bar…” So what does he get? NON alcoholic drinks! Also the drinks were ten dollars each... so I do not understand why he spent 20 dollars on juice that didn’t even taste good. I asked him if he drank and he said yes. I was so confused by why he ordered non alcoholic drinks for both of us, but I couldn’t find the right Italian words to ask . So I just drank my non-alcoholic-strawberry-medicine flavored drink and smiled. The night only preceded to get more awkward and uncomfortable as I realized more and more how much he thought this was a date and how much I wanted then the night to be over. I didn’t want to be rude and I felt so bad that I decided to stick it out. But after a few hours I asked if he could take me home. As we were walking the car, we passed another bar and asked if I wanted another drink. I am thinking no, I just want to go home but I said yes. At this point it 2 in the morning, and he asks if I want a bottle of wine. NO I don’t want a bottle of wine, its 2 in the morning and I want to go home! I agreed to one glass. Finally our drinks were done and we left. At this point I really had to pee, but it I thought to myself I can wait the 20 minutes until I am home. Big mistake. He had a GPS but it took him OVER an hour to get me home. How do you get lost with a GPS? !! Especially In a city you have lived in your ENTIRE life? By the time I finally got home I had to pee more than I have ever had to pee in my whole life, no exaggeration. Long story short, I certainly will not be the next Italian Princess.

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