Se io fossi vento, Sarei con te sempre.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My first week

I have always wanted to start a blog and I figured my adventure to Italy would be the perfect time to start!

I arrived in Italy 6 days ago. I cant believe it has already been that long! I flew from Tucson to Dallas, Dallas to London and London to Milan. I almost missed my flight from London to Milan because security took so long! Everyone involved in the security department in London moved so slowly! They were all standing around talking, and every once in a while one of them would remember to do their job. Finally I got to Milan. By this point I realized my  "great" international phone did not work internationally...thanks verizon. I was so worried that I would not be able to find Rita and would have no way to find her without a phone.... luckily we happened to run into each other and I did not even need to call her. I spent the rest of they day unpacking and getting settled. The next day we left for Sesteriere which is very close to Turin. It is where the 2006 Olympics were! This for sure is the coldest place I have ever been in my life, but it was beautiful. We spent the weekend there in the family's cabin. I was doing to learn to ski on Monday, but I got I spent the day reading in the cabin while it snowed and snowed and snowed. I have never seen so much snow in my life. We will return to the cabin on Thursday and hopefully I will learn to ski this weekend! This week Bruno does not have school and we are going to the mountains because it is a holiday in Italy called La Settimana Bianca- literally The White Week. This is a week break from school when many going skiing- thus the name.

So far I absolutely love the family. Rita, the mom, is a professional dog trainer and she is famous in Milan. Tomorrow she going to have dinner with Armani's assistant because she works Armani's dogs...yes THE Armani! She invited me to go to dinner with her if would like...yes please :). Angello is a laywer and is one of the funniest people. I am greatly enjoying the company of the family. Bruno is seven and one of the cutest kids I have ever met. He speaks English very well and is often my translator..I am teaching him English and he is teaching me Italian. I think we are great team. The house I am living in is about 20 minutes by car from the center of Milan. It is a very small two story house, but it is beautiful.There is a living room, a kitchen, three rooms up stairs, and a backyard.

Ok I am going to go to bed now as I am still a bit sick.

Baci e abbracci


  1. I am so glad everything is working out for you Ash! XoXoXoX

  2. OMG this sounds amazing already. I'm so excited for you and so excited to hear more! LOVES YOU! xx

  3. JEALOUSY!!!! also i'm proud you know who Armani is ;) Maybe you'll learn some fashion sense after all! LOL. No, but really, I miss you a lot! Hope my love is feeling better :) xoxoxo

  4. Also I hope you are using your journal!!!
