Se io fossi vento, Sarei con te sempre.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

First Week: Take Two

This was week filled with new experiences. I am finally getting adjusted to Milan. The small town of Sestriere and the mountain villages are so different the bustling city of Milan and for this reason I feel like I am starting all over again in a brand new city. This brings both excitement and new obstacles. I think the hardest part of moving to a new city is not knowing my way around and not knowing anyone other than my Italian family; whom I love yet it is not the same.  However the difficulties of feeling alone and lonely, as difficult as they are, are in a sense good for me. I think the most personal growth comes from being in uncomfortable situations, which force us to overcome our insecurities, doubts, and fears. It does not always feel that these experiences are promoting my well being, but I am choosing to look at this way.

On Tuesday, I spent the day in the center of Milan shopping, visiting the Duomo, and lazily sipping coffees. It was truly a fantastic day, yet I wish I would have had someone to share it with.  Regardless of that small fact, it was a truly a perfect day. This was the first day I rode the metro and it really is not bad at all! I think visiting New York last year really helped- as the metro here is about a 10th of the New York Metro. The bus transportation on the other hand is a nightmare! There are something like a hundred buses, and I don’t think I will ever master this…

Wednesday I spent the day with Rita. She had a dog training in the morning and then we went to lunch, grocery shopping, picked up Bruno, and then the rest of my day was spent doing homework and watching Bruno. When I picked up Bruno I overheard a girl speaking and she was speaking in English- the first person   have heard yet to speak in English! So naturally she caught my attention, especially since she had an American accent. Our accent sticks out here so very much… I went up to her and we started talking- she is also an Au Pair who just graduated and also live in Milan.

My new friend and I spent meet up on Thursday after we dropped “our children” off at school. Nicole has been here since August so she was personal tour guide as she took me around the city. First we bought amazing breakfast “brioches,” which by the way is what Italians call ANY type of pastry, no matter how different they may be from one another. Then we went to my new favorite bar/coffeeshop-Chocolat. Too bad I will never be able to find it again with my poor sense of direction :) We spent the rest of the day visiting the Castle of Milan and shopping. My favorite store, which I have decided to call One Size Fits All, literally only sold clothes of ONE size. \ I don’t understand how they stay in business…. I really don’t. I loved all the clothes and nothing fit right. There was the dress I loved and remember thinking, “Oh I just need a smaller size, oh wait that does not exist…”  After shopping had lunch a great panini place and for desert I had a candied rose. I have had never heard of this before but is an actual rose covered in sugar! So weird, but delicious.

Friday was  a fairly uneventful day. I went to a dog lesson with Rita in the morning and then I created a video of her training the dog. We then proceeded to spend the next 3 hours trying to get the video to work on her computer and send it as a file so that it can be published to a website. That damn video still has not been sent. I am not sure what the problem is. The first problem was that the file size was too big, so then I zipped the file. However, her program that zips the files does not tell you where the file is going to be saved…I also spent about two hours on my own laptop trying to convert files, compress files, zip files, etc, etc. And mind you today was the first time I even zipped a file.  If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know! It was an on-going process of frustration that still has yet to be solved. On a more exciting note Rita and I met a friend of Bruno’s swim teacher who also offered to be my personal tour guide around the city. Apparently, he is a noble from a royal family, that existed before World War II. Italy become democratic after the war…Angello and Rita was trying to give me a history lesson but we got distracted and it was never finished. Anyways, he is very nice and Rita has already decided I should marry him because he is a royal and rich and I could become “the would have been Italian princess” or something like that. I just find this amusing. However, I just want to be friends. I wish I could be attracted to this person but I am really, really not.

More updates coming soon! I am getting behind on my blog and I will try to be better! 

Baci e abbracci

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