Se io fossi vento, Sarei con te sempre.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Nuovi Amici- End of March

A few weeks ago I was in the supermarket and I was standing in line to check out when I over heard two girls speaking in English, so of course I starting talking to them. We both we realized we were Americans living in Italy and made tentative plans to hang out soon. On our on first date we had lunch near the Castle and then took a walk through the park. At one point while we were just sitting and talking to each other, a boy around our age who looked completely normal, came up to us and asked in Italian if we were hungry. I responded, “No thanks we fine.” Then he basically offered to have sex with us while grabbing his crotch. I very politely denied this very generous offer. Then he just walked away as if he had asked us a question as simple as, “what is the time?” This story still makes me laugh.

The next day  Sarah and I hung with out my friend Federico, who came to visit from Torino. We also met some of this other friends who live in Milan, and they gave us a tour of the city. His cousin, who also lives in Milan, joined us later for dinner. We went to a sushi restaurant in the center of Milan, where we were the ONLY customers for pretty much the entire night. Sarah and I each ordered 1 california roll each, however the boys ordered a GIANT BOAT of sushi that had at least 60 pieces of different types of sushi! It was crazy. After dinner we went to a bar called Iguana and Sarah and I shared a drink that is called “The Hemmingway.” We both were a bit drunk from this ONE drink that was extremely strong….good thing we shared!!

That weekend Sarah and I decided to visit Federico and his brother Edo in Sestriere and go skiing!! We had to take too trains to get there! We stayed in the cute little hostel that was right next to the their house, so that was nice and convent. When we arrived we went out for a typical Italian happy hour and drank a “spritz,” which is a drink that Italians love…it is bright orange and kind of tastes like cough syrup. I am not sure why people drink it. Later we went to a pizza restaurant and then to another bar. Such a fun night with new friends!

The next day Sarah and I were going to go skiing, but it was snowing so we weren’t allowed as it would have been to dangerous. Instead we stayed indoors and made lunch with Edorado and his father, which was a bit strange at first, but now we are basically part of their family :) His dad cooked us the most incredible Italian meal with about ten courses! It was absolutely amazing! Federico is a ski teacher, so he joined us after he finished his lessons. Why parents still sent their children to ski in the snowstorm I will never know, Italians are crazy.What is even more crazy is sending your two year old to learn to ski when clearly they don't want to. Most of the children that I saw learning to ski at that age cried constantly and just had snot running down there faces the entire time. Then the next thing you know they have fallen off the ski lift because they are too damn small to be riding it in the first place, and then the whole ski lift stops and the teachers have to go rescue the fallen children and it is really just a huge mess. Moral of the story- don't make your children learn to ski when they can hardly even WALK.

On the Train to Sestriere


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