Se io fossi vento, Sarei con te sempre.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I feel so lucky to have the opportunity for this adventure I have very recently embarked upon. It is often said that, “wherever you go, there you are.” Perhaps I could have found what I was looking for in Tucson. Yet there was some force in heart urging me, willing me to pursue Italy. It is not a desire that I can entirely explain. Emerging from my soul is a deep-rooted desire to travel, to grow, to know myself at a deeper level and to expand with infinite possibilities. I remember on the plane ride here I was reading yoga journal and a line struck me. “ There are days when you stare setbacks in the eye…and I remind myself that sometimes what feels like a setback is really a preparation for a big leap forward…Progress isn’t on a linear path.” As I look back over the past year I am bombarded with the realization of how much time I truly have spent worrying, agonizing, feeling anxious, and being upset. From this standpoint I was hindering the amazing life I had in front of me. The overwhelming stress and anxiety I often let consume my life, hindered my relationships with everyone. Unfortunately, it affected most the people whom I am closest with.  Worrying is absolutely pointless and though so many of my beloved friends and family have told me this over and over again, I have just recently begun to feel the truth of this simple statement to my core. Although this point of clarity may seem obvious, for me it was not.  Life is a journey. Hardships, difficulties and pain will arise without a doubt; the important thing is to notice the lesson that is present. We can either look a problem straight in the face and learn from the lesson it has to offer or we can become a victim to our circumstances.At each moment of our life, this choice is present. With each moment comes the ability to learn, grow, and most importantly live.

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